On-Screen Controls and Displays   Look to the top right, you can see yourself! Click on the dial to see each opponent and the number of guys s/he controls. Click on da breakdown button at the bottom of the screen, or on the players face to see how they're doing. Below the TV is the guy screen. Click on a hood you own, and the guys in that hood appear on the guy screen. Actually, the guy screen shows only the guys you can move out of the hood. You have to leave one guy in the hood to, ehhh, protect it, so the guy who stays does not appear in the guy screen.   Click on "end turn" to end your turn. Before you end your turn, you may click on "fortify." Below the guy screen is the zoom bar. Click on the bulb (it lights up) and drag the bulb towards the + sign to zoom in, towards the - sign to zoom out. You can also just click on the differently sized magnifying glasses to quick-zoom to a certain setting. Below the zoom bar is the typewriter, which displays useful information thoughout the game.   Along the bottom are the following buttons, "Da Breakdown", which gives you information about the currently shown player; "Give Up" which lets you exit the game and go cryin' back to your momma; "Demand Surrender" which can be useful if you've already won but your enemies just don't get it- and "Options" which allows you to quit, save the game, load a saved game, or start a new game as well as change various game settings. Click on "About" to learn more about the game designers, and click on "Help" to see a quick help card.